Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tragic Day In Jamaa

Hello Jammers,

This tragic post will start about a few jammers that will be quitting, and their reasons..

Effect- Dramatic

Reason Why- AJ Is so irratating and dramatic
Effect-Less Servere

Reason Why-AJ effected her math grades last year because she was on AJ so much
Effect- Less Servere

-YingYangSoulCat (Me)
Reason Why-Getting too old for AJ
Effect- (Since most people know about this I'm going to say dramatic, but I'm quitting in September, so..) Soon to be discovered

These are the only jammers that I know are quitting, if you know anyone else quitting, I will put it up on this post.
PS~Here's how you comment
(I call this, "Quitting Graph")

Ying, here is my jammer*
-(Jammer's Name)
Reason Why-((Reasonwhy they are quitting)
Effect-(How is it effecting you and other jammers that this jammer is quitting?)
*If you have more than one jammer to put up, make 2 quitting graphs on one comment, or use 2 comments


  1. -Skyz
    Reason: My parents think i spend too much on aj and effecting my math score on isats.
    Effect: real severe cause friends to be upset

  2. Ying, I have a jammer,

    Me ( SpiritHowl )
    Reason Why: Animal Jam is kinda a little boring for me now...
    Effect: Less severe.

    SpritHowl who has already quit, ish, because Aj has not replied to my email yet...


Hey Jammers!
Here are some commenting rules we would like you to follow to make this blog better and better!
-No Cussing
-Respect Opinions
-Don't get off topic
-Be nice!
-No advertising your blog

Happy Commenting!
~From: YingYangSoulCat, and the authors here at "The Animal Jam Parade"