Thursday, June 28, 2012

Random Post about my new blog look!

Hey Jammers!

Like AJP's new blog look? I added rose petals, snow, and swinging bird cage! (Thanks to free!)

I think my blog is looking fresher and more organized :P

I think I might delete some authros off AJP :l
Their posts don't get any views
They don't really put an impact and topic for their post.
They don't know how to do screenshots, or anything else..

I'm thinking about adding a jammer here for my blog!
Maybe uniquelog, NikiSongs,  or magic797.

Well, see yah jammers!
PS- I hope you don't mind skyz, but I'm thinking that you should get more time on your blog, and not waste your time here at AJP :) so I mgith want you to continue on your blog, and delete you off AJP

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ying i don't mind if u delete me off this blog... But about the views on post im mad that No one even bothers to look at my posts and i dont continue my blog anyways....

    p.s i bet no one likes to see my posts -.-/ i have to quit aj because i can't spend time anymore because of my other real life -.-///


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~From: YingYangSoulCat, and the authors here at "The Animal Jam Parade"