Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm Now A Mom (Well "Step" mom :P)

Hey Jammers!

XxFreeSpiritxX has quit, and everyone will embrace her presence as a gift.
The places of Jamaa will be different without her.
She inspires many jammers as a courageous and independant girl :)
We all miss her and sned happy prayers toward her future.
Your legend will live on free :)

Ok, the speech was one thing, but another earth shattering thing is... I'M A MOM! :)
My daughter is XxBaconMonsterxX
Free used to be her mom, but now since she has quit (or as I jammer I admire would say "retire"), I am now talking a bit of free's job as a mother! She calls me her stepmom, and I gave her a mech angel helmet as a gift! I'm onyl a penguin and a bunny, yet she is a dolphin, wolf, bunny and a horse! So, she will be taller than I am :)

But, just to let you know, I'm a mom! :P
I feel special taking on this job,  hoping Bacon blossoms into a unqiue individual!

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