Tuesday, March 13, 2012

EMAIL AJHQ (for tinkluver55)

EMAIL AJHQ TODAY!: support@animaljam.com


  1. Will i have to get buddies all over again and get new iteams and get new dens and stuff? Dx

  2. Nope, your not making a new account, ur just changing your user!
    Just say this
    Dear AJHQ,
    Here is my old user (old username)
    I would like to have a new one.
    Here are my four choices
    .(first choice)
    .(second choice)
    .(third choice)
    .(fourth choice)

    Thats about it, but remember that AJ won't update it that quickly.

  3. Dear AJHQ,
    I would like to delete some of my animal jam accounts since I have made a lot and am filling up my emails. here are some of the following accounts that I would like to delete, there are a lot, sorry .-.
    BellaLucy3dog, Arbitrage204, Arbitrage123, Arbitrage12337, featofdragons, FeatOfTheDragonsEart, FeatOfTheDragons2008, featofthedragonrelm, featofthedragonsrelm, feato0fthedragons, happyholidaysppl, serpeant932, babybella83472, leonabeauty, BabygalXx, BellaLucy, BellaLucy32, animallover2013, animalsrock504, babygirl5437, milojay, SaveTheAnimals901, kylarlover36, luckypaw6573, livewildlivefree83, chaoswonderland83762, TheGrammarPolice, Babygirl8023, Selly12928, BellaLucy1, BellaLucy2, BellaLucy3jam, chase1824, abc123yoppl, aaliah3026, beautifulgaze, pasissomething, Arbitrage, bellabeauty3, honeyboochild832, halalujia, hullopplzXDD, XxsquirellpawxX and XxsquirellflightxX
    ~Aaliah Interiano; Jammer


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~From: YingYangSoulCat, and the authors here at "The Animal Jam Parade"