Monday, April 30, 2012

Hatake is back? Or an Impostor?

Heya Jammers!
It's me, EagleEye :D
So today, I was in Jamaa, just derping around, when I saw some wolf talking to a little bunny, saying stuff like
"You're not a real AJ Guide" And stuff like that.
So I clicked the bunny's nametag thingy, at their username was "GULDE".
And yeah, It looked like it said GUIDE.
So the wolf was saying some harsh things, and I wanted to see just who this mysterious jammer was.
Well, here's their pic.
I believe this is an impostor of HatakeKakashi.
Look at the name and clothes, if you didn't already.
So they were all like 'Yeah, I'm Hatake,' 
But I didn't buy it.
But now, I'm not so sure, because I said that if they WERE the real Hatake, they could get their original account back online.
A few minutes later, HatakeKakashi was actually there!
So I was thinking, this COULD be the real Hatake, it could be a hacker, or it could be one of Hatake's siblings.
What do you guys think?

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