Monday, February 20, 2012

The NM bunny with Member stuff

Ok, everyone, I know, there has been a glitch of the members with their tags looking like NM user tags, but this bunny really has member stuff and is a NM, even click the picture too enlarge, my friend XxJordanxX is the evidence.
He must have been in beta, or, is he really a member, but doesn't have a member tag?
He has a spiked collar and legendary glove. Which is a member gift from AJHQ.
Oh well, click the pic to enlarge, his user is Bet1000. Maybe search him up and look around his stuff, achievements, trades.
Short post, anyways,
special thx to XxJordanxX


  1. KEEP IN MIND THAT xXjORDANXx IS THE ONE SAYING "hes nonmember O3O" lol

  2. OMG, nonmember with rare spiked collar, must be a one of a kind nm! JK



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