Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The Famous Fuzzy Shyivy
Ok, the fuzzyshyivy bunny has a cool blog Animal Jam rush, but lately she hasnt even been posting, do you think she quite her blog like chocobrownie?? & I never saw her on AJ, (only once, but that was a mighty long time ago as huckle Berry finn would say, I have 2 read the old books XD) Anyways, could it be? quiting her amazing blog!!!!!!!?????  DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN -piano organ music plays in background- sorry,c ant help it, lol jam on Jammers of Animal jam!!!! hehehehehhe

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I saw this blog. Nice blog! Fuzzy even abandoned her Animal Jam account!


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