Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cami's Frog

Hey Jammers!

My most wanted item is... CAMI'S FROG! (Yeah, not to epic, lol, what were you expecting? Scary batwings or something?)
So, if you have one, maybe we could meet some where, and we can make a deal!
PS: Jammers, I'm most likely gonna give my orange gecko plushie for a cami's frog, if you have one, don;t be afraid to comment!


  1. hi, i too am looking for a camis frog as a trading item. But the thing is, is that the person i was going to trade says that it is rarer that scary bat wings, is this true?? You see they are asking for my mummy glove and nm firework candle. What should i do?

  2. @ Anonymous

    No! Scary Batwings are rarer, but if someone offers you a pair of scary batwings, I suggest you should accept! Cami's frog is a beta item.
    So, they are asking for your mummy glove and firworks for a cami's frog? If they are, then yes! Accept!


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